
Win more often with yurJury

Law is the only profession that does not use a pre-test before they do their final work! They only use focus groups for high dollar cases. They know the value of a focus group. They just need to know that the product is available now for a majority of their cases.

Our proprietary, cloud based technology allows you to focus group 80% of your cases and see results in 24 hours. Until now, the use of focus groups was relegated to only those cases that were high risk and high reward. With our virtual focus group platform, the cost in time and money has been significantly reduced allowing almost every case in your docket the advantage that focus groups bring when litigating a case.

yurJURY’s virtual focus group platform is comparable to having an X-Ray of your case. You are virtually a fly on the wall of the jury room.

You can determine the feasibility of any case.
You can determine a case’s value at an early stage.
You can determine whether to settle and for what amount.
You can make better decisions how to prepare for voir dire, how to choose a jury, the effectiveness of opening and closing statements, how and when to use expert witnesses and other evidence, how to question witnesses including your client and the opposing party and finally decide the best closing argument.

You can ultimately view for yourself how the jury is going to accept your case as a whole days before trial,so you have an opportunity to make final adjustments.

The best result of yurJURY is a happy client that refers cases.

Stop leaving your clients money on the table

Use technology effectively to get your clients the justice they deserve.

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